
The Academy is headed by a Director, an IPS Officer of the rank of Director General of Police and assisted by 2 Joint Directors of the rank of Inspector General of Police, 3 Deputy Directors of the rank of DIG of Police and  Assistant Directors with sanctioned strength of 20, which includes police officers of the rank of Superintendent of Police from state cadres, a Forensic Scientist, a Specialist each in Computers and Wireless.


The sanctioned strength of the faculty also includes a Scientist, a Reader in Behavioural Sciences, a Reader in Teaching Methodology, 1 Staff Surgeon, 3 Medical Officers, a veterinary officer, 3 Addl. SP, 7 Dy. SP/AC, 2 Senior Scientific Officer, a Hindi Instructor, a Photographic Officer and a Chief Drill Instructor. The supporting staff includes administrative, ministerial and medical staff and other Group C employees. The total sanctioned staff strength of the Academy is 692.     


The purpose of training is to equip Probationers and to build their capacity to be able to meet the field challenges. The primary purpose of the Academy being to prepare leaders for the Indian Police, the Academy organizes basic induction training of new recruits to the Indian Police Service (referred to as Probationers). At the conclusion of basic training, the course aims to ensure that the Probationers acquire necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, understanding and behaviourrequired for effectively discharging the duties as Sub-Divisional Police Officers initially and later for various senior supervisory assignments in the rank of Superintendent of Police in Districts and Specialized units of the Police Department. The ‘Integrated Training’ format being used at the Academy to impart training focuses on fusion of three dimensions: Sensitisation(personal and social), Orientation (ethical and legal) and Competency (domain and inter-segmental).